"A journey where history, religion, archaeology, and science intersect. Objective, detailed, and passionate--Shroud Encounter was by the far the best academic presentation I’ve seen." Cole Cheek, Ph.D., Professor of History and Anthropology, Spartanburg Methodist College, SC |
What Is The Shroud? People often ask the wrong question: "What if its not authentic?" This is the wrong question. "What if it IS authentic and we did nothing with it?" Is there a middle path that allows the church to use the Shroud for its phenomenal witness without having absolute proof of authenticity? |
Why Is The Shroud Significant? Why does the Shroud matter? The answer is related to its potential. |
Could the Shroud be an Apologetic? Apologetics scholars often steer clear of the Shroud because it cannot be proven absolutely to be the Shroud of Christ. It is our view that the Shroud should be used as an able apologetic. The preponderance of evidence supports authenticity. What a shame if such a phenomenal witness was ignored and turned out to be genuine. It remains a mystery yet the message of the Shroud is right out of the bible. There is no difference. |
Would God Preserve An Image? How does the Second Commandment prohibiting the making of graven images apply to the Shroud? What about references of Jesus saying to Thomas, "Blessed are those who believe and have not seen."? Or "the just shall walk by faith and not by sight."? Regarding the commandment, it certainly seems that something significant changed with the incarnation of God's Son as a man. Jesus said, "if you have seen me you have seen the Father." Paul described Jesus as "the image of the invisible God." And yes, Jesus did pronounce a blessing on those who can believe without seeing, but he did not condemn Thomas for his unbelief. Is it possible that the Shroud, in God's love for humanity, gives the entire human race the same opportunity he gave Thomas? |
Is the Shroud a Relic? The question is whether the Shroud is a relic or an icon. It is certainly not an icon as all such religious icons whether Orthodox or Catholic follow clear rules in regard to how Jesus was to be represented. This began to change during the Renaissance which began several hundred years after the Shroud appeared in France. Yet the historical trail traces back through Constantinople--and the Shroud does not conform to Byzantine rules of iconography either. So if the Shroud is not authentic--that is--a relic, then it is one of the most amazing hoaxes of history. Amazing because there are no artistic substances on the cloth, the image penetrates less than 1% of a single thread, and the blood is from actual wounds. The alleged forger must have predated Leonard DaVinci by several hundred years! Relic?--Probably, Icon?--Not a chance, Hoax? Who is he and how did he do it? We have no answer. |
Would God Use Evidence? Is Christianity based on faith alone? Does God ever use evidence? How does Doubting Thomas fit into this? What is the point of Apologetics if we are only to accept things by faith and nothing else? Are there verses of Scripture that support the use of evidence to bolster faith? The burial shroud itself was the first piece of evidence for Peter and John that Jesus had risen from the dead! Could the Shroud be one of the "convincing proofs" referenced in Acts 1:3? |
Does The Shroud Conform To Jewish Burial Practices? There is much confusion about how the Jews buried their dead. Did they wind the bodies with strips of linen--like some kind of mummy? What are Jewish burial practices? Are they different in the event of violent death? How does the Shroud line up with such practices? |
Is The Use Of Fine Linen Significant? The manufacture of the Shroud is a 3:1 herringbone pattern weave. We have found similar examples in wool and silk dating back to the 9th century BC. It is doable using first century loom technology. We have not yet found an example in flax linen--which further indicates it was expensive and rare. Most fabric found is made with a standard 1:1 pattern weave. According to Scripture, "Joseph of Arimathea, a rich man, purchased a clean linen cloth." The use of the word clean suggests ritually clean--that is--not woven on a loom that also was used for wool. Who was Joseph? He was a Pharisee and was connected with the temple. Where did he buy the cloth from? Perhaps the temple store? Did he buy a cloth made of "fine twisted linen" suitable for a high priest about to enter the Holy of Holies to make a sacrifice? |
How Can The Shroud Be Utilized For Evangelistic Ministry? The message of the Shroud is identical to Scripture. There is no difference. As the MYSTERY of the Shroud is explored--the MESSAGE of Christ is revealed in dramatic form. The Mystery attracts many who stand on the sidelines of faith. They come to find out more about this profound mystery from an international expert--they have read articles, seen it on the web, watched a documentary--they are intrigued and somehow drawn to it. They will not be disappointed. Yet at the same time, the entire passion of Christ is explored--what happened in the tomb--the nature of the post resurrection body--and lastly how Doubting Thomas was effected when he saw the resurrected Christ for himself. Perhaps that is the reason why the Shroud has been preserved--for the Doubting Thomas's of the 20th and 21st centuries! SHROUD ENCOUNTER is an excellent program for community outreach and effective evangelism. |
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