Introduction to the School of General Studies:

Here you will find numerous general articles on the Shroud of Turin. These articles will give the reader a good overview of the subject before delving into specific applications. Also included are several good Question and Answer forums. Take the time to watch one or more of the documentaries featured for a good general overview.

Questions and Topics for Students
  • Students may consider writing a general paper on the Shroud of Turin and a summary of the findings of the Shroud of Turin Research Project on its
    30th anniversary (See School of Physics ).
  • Consider creating a point counter point discussion of the subject. (See School of Debate). What are the main points of controversy? Create arguments that support both sides of the debate.
  • Consider doing a timeline of the Shroud’s known and probable history (See School of History). What additional data supports it? What refutes it? Is there a way to resolve it? Also see School of Art.
  • Consider doing a paper on C-14 dating of the Shroud and what may have gone wrong. What new findings may invalidate those tests? Are there other ways of dating the cloth? See School of Chemistry.

Featured Content
Introduction (from Shroud Encounter)
Understanding the Shroud (from Shroud Encounter)
The Shroud of Turin Research Project (from Shroud Encounter)
Trailer from Silent Witness (1978)
From PBS Secrets of the Dead (part 1)
Secrets of the Dead (part 2)
Trailer from Fabric of Time (2007)
Fabric of Time Documentary Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6


From the Shroud of Turin Education Project: Introduction

In 1998 the Shroud was on exhibit for the first time in 20 years. Time magazine did an 8 page feature article: From Time Magazine

Dan Porter, founder of has compiled an excellent overview of the Shroud called The Shroud of Turin for Journalists originally written for the Torino Winter Olympics

An excellent Summary of Facts compiled by Dan Porter

Autopsy of the Shroud: From created by Jose A. Botella Muñoz, a biologist working at the University of Regensburg (Germany)

Frequently Asked Questions answered by Thermal Chemist Ray Rogers as found on
Front image as seen in a photo-negative
More Q&A from The Shroud of Turin Education Project

Comprehensive Q&A from

More Q&A from

The following article is a good Overview of Shroud Research and the controversy over authenticity and Carbon 14 dating. Written by Emanuella Marinelli from Collegamento Pro Sindone.

Summary of the Conclusions found by the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) in 1981. This list is compiled by Barrie Schwortz, documenting photographer for the team.

Article by Dr. John and Rebecca Jackson discusses Theories of Image Formation. John is a pioneer in Shroud physics and Rebecca whose contributions are in the area of Jewish studies.

A Review of Scientific Methods Applied to the Shroud ofTurin (38 pgs) by Ray Rogers and Anna Arnoldi as found on

A paper written by a student assessing the evidence for and against authenticity, From Planet Essays

There are many more Journal articles listed in the Library in the Articles section. Many Journal articles cannot be linked here due to copyright restrictions. Scientific journal articles can be obtained from your school library or can be purchased from the publisher. Most schools subscribe to a journal sharing service where these articles can be accessed without a fee such as:

Shroud University • © 2014 • Shroud of Turin Education Project, Inc.
P.O. Box 3397, Peachtree City, GA 30269 • Office 678-817-7188
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