Introduction to the School of Debate
The School of Debate includes articles that feature individuals that have long opposed the Shroud’s possible authenticity. Most notable is Microscopist Walter McCrone who alleged that the Shroud is merely a painted image from a “thin solution” of iron oxide comprising a red ochre paint. He further alleged that the paint is made from vermillion pigment and is not blood at all. The controversy over C-14 Dating is well documented and articles can be found in the School of Chemistry. Joe Nickel is a well known antagonist of the Shroud but he largely echo’s the work of McCrone.

The Vinland Map Parallel

Of particular interest is the amazing parallel between McCrone’s work on the
Vinland Map and his work on the Shroud. Read further to acquaint yourself with this controversy. The fact that McCrone was wrong on his assessment of the Vinland Map gives much fuel to the belief that he is wrong regarding the Shroud also, especially since he is the only scientist among the 24 scientists who have studied the Shroud directly who asserts it to be a painting. Respected blood chemists also have tested the blood and found 13 different chemical components of blood. How then could it be simply vermillion paint? At the very least the controversy over the Vinland Map shows how qualified scientists can arrive at divergent opinions. It shows how data can be interpreted differently. It also shows how different data can be derived from the same artifact leading to conflicting conclusions. The same holds true with the Shroud of Turin. Some question the science that suggests authenticity yet there are just as many questions regarding the science indicating otherwise.

Questions and Topics for Students
  • As a student, consider doing a paper comparing the Vinland Map controversy to the Shroud of Turin and how competent scientists can disagree on the same data.
  • Consider comparing McCrone’s findings with the findings of the STURP scientists regarding the nature of the Shroud image. (See the Article section of the Library for a list of peer reviewed journal articles.)
  • Compare the blood chemistry findings of Dr’s Heller and Adler with the findings of McCrone (See School of Chemistry). Is it blood or paint? It must be one or the other. Listen to the radio debate between Dr. Gil Lavoie and McCrone (see podcasts).
  • Show how the dating sample selected was from the worst possible site on the cloth and may have been subject to a Medieval repair as suggested by Ray Rogers. Show how in the realm of archaeology, multiple site locations are chosen and tests are redone routinely due to errors but was not allowed with the Shroud due to so much worldwide publicity. Once the sample was cut there was no redoing it as with a typical artifact.

Featured Content
Barrie Schwortz on WLRM-Memphis August 7, 2007
Barrie Schwortz vs Joe Nickell Debate
Carbon 14 Dating (from Shroud Encounter)
Walter McCrone debates Dr. Gil Lavoie on Radio from 2000
Dr. Alan Adler Challenges Chemistry of McCrone and Accuracy of C-14 Sample
News Report from NPR on the Vinland Map Controversy



A Viking Map called the Vinland Map showing how the Vikings may have discovered North America was claimed by Walter McCrone to be fake produced after 1920. The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation by Yale University PressIt has now been proven by C-14 dating to be from the 1400’s and provides strong proof that McCrone was wrong regarding his analysis. The significance is that McCrone is the only voice from chemistry asserting the Shroud is an artwork. Can his science be trusted? From peer reviewed scientific journal, Radiocarbon (2002): Abstract Part 1 Part 2

Summary of the Vinland Map Debate

Evidence That the Vinland Map Is Medieval by Jacqueline S. Olin
Smithsonian Institute, Published in Analytical Chemistry, November 2003.

Timeline of the Vinland Map Debate

Tales of the "Un-Fake" The reputation of a map donated to the Beinecke Library and latReplica of Viking shiper suspected of being a fraud has been rehabilitated, but the process highlights the problems of proving a document's authenticity beyond a doubt. From Yale Alumni Magazine

Map May be from Vikings Afterall, NY Times. Key quote: Stung by the challenge to his work, Dr. McCrone sent an angry letter to Dr. Cahill, declaring it ''the first shot in a declaration of war.'' What could better capture the arrogance of someone who feels his work is beyond challenge or debate? The same holds true with his work on samples from the Shroud. (If article doesn't appear, use the NY Times Search feature for "Vinland Map")

The Vinland Map-Some "Finer Points" in the Debate by J. Huston McCulloch of Ohio State University, March 2005

More on McCrone

More on McCrone

Debate between Skeptical Inquirer and Shroud Researcher Joe Marino

Finding the Shroud in the 21 st Century, by Joseph Marino provides insights into the Shroud as a textile plus an overview of other issues related to McCrone and Carbon Dating. From

Red Ochre and Vermilion on Shroud Tapes? by Walter McCrone

The Authentication of the Turin Shroud: An Issue in Archaeological Epistemology
by William Meacham – Archaeologist

Summary of Challenges to the Authenticity of the Shroud by Richard B. Sorenson. From


There are many more Journal articles listed in the Library in the Articles section. Many Journal articles cannot be linked here due to copyright restrictions. Scientific journal articles can be obtained from your school library or can be purchased from the publisher. Most schools subscribe to a journal sharing service where these articles can be accessed without a fee such as:

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